The Creator’s Guide to Cracking Social Media Algorithms

As a content creator, it is important to understand how algorithms work on social media platforms in order to create better content and reach a wider audience. By understanding the rules of the game, you can optimize your content and increase your visibility.


One of the most popular platforms for creators is Instagram. The Instagram algorithm values recency, relationships, and interests. Recency means that new content is prioritized, so it is important to increase your post frequency. Building relationships with your audience by increasing engagement through direct messages, comments, and link clicks can also boost your visibility. Additionally, being consistent with your topics and using relevant hashtags can help the algorithm understand which audience to share your content with. You can also check out this article about the Instagram algorithm.

  • Increase your post frequency

  • Engage with your audience through direct messages, comments, and link clicks

  • Be consistent with your topics and use relevant hashtags

  • Utilize Instagram Stories and IGTV for additional engagement opportunities


Another popular platform for creators is YouTube. The YouTube algorithm values watch time, so it is important to create longer videos that are engaging and keep viewers watching for longer. Creating more videos and using features like end screens, playlists, and cards can also help viewers discover your other videos. You can also check out this video for more information about the YouTube algorithm.

  • Create longer videos that are engaging and keep viewers watching for longer

  • Create more videos and use features like end screens, playlists, and cards to promote your other videos

  • Optimize your video titles, descriptions, and tags for search

  • Create engaging thumbnails to encourage clicks


TikTok is a newer platform but it's also rapidly growing. It's a platform where although users can upload videos up to ten minutes in length, shorter videos tend to perform better as users with fast scrolls search for authentic, timely, and trend-based content. To optimize your content on TikTok, it is important to have a strong hook, be concise and keep it short – research shows that TikTok videos longer than a minute can potentially be perceived as stressful by viewers (Wired). Less produced is also better, as users are looking for real and authentic content. Being timely and striking while the iron is hot is also important. Additionally, using hashtags and text to describe your video can help users find your content through search. Stay up to date with any news posted by TikTok here.

  • Create short, authentic, and trend-based content

  • Use strong hooks and be concise in your videos

  • Use relevant hashtags and text to describe your video to help with search visibility

  • Utilize popular music and sounds to increase engagement

  • Monitor and respond to comments to increase engagement and build relationships with your audience.

Cracking the Code

Understanding how algorithms work on social media platforms can help creators create better content and reach a wider audience. By following the rules of the game and optimizing your content, you can increase your visibility and grow your audience. Remember, each platform is unique and the algorithm works differently, while constantly changing to improve the user experience, so make sure to research, understand and stay up-to-date with the algorithm of each platform you are using.

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